Announcing the Third Generation Ohio Odonata Society Website
In 2000, The Ohio Odonata Society implemented one of the Internet’s first websites on the topic of dragonflies. Today, we are announcing the launch of our latest online presence. It includes updated species distribution and flight maps, county-level statistics on species and observation activity, and a growing body of information on natural history and field craft.
Species Breakouts!
We have seen big expansion (range and observation) of some species in recent years – notably Slaty Skimmer starting in 2017, and Carolina Saddlebags in 2018. These are species that have a historical record in Ohio, but for some periods only averaged 1 every five years, or so. It appears we will be adding another dragon to this list for 2019 – Great Blue Skimmer
Save the date for Odo-Con-18! June 22-24, 2018
Schedule and itinerary for the 2018 conference