2022 Ohio Dragonfly Conference! June 25th in Dayton, Ohio
Hello everyone!
After 2 years of pandemic delays, the Ohio Odonata Society plans to host a small conference this summer on Saturday, June 25th at the Education Center at Possum Creek Metro Park in Dayton, Ohio. This is a somewhat centrally located spot which is easy to access from many highways and also allows for field trips to find some cool dragonfly and damselfly species nearby.
A few key things to note related to Covid precautions:
1. We plan to keep as much of the conference outdoors as possible. We have limited the number of presentations to maximize the amount of time spent outside.
2. We selected a venue that has several large double doors and large windows that we plan to keep open for the duration to maximize air flow while people are in the building.
3. We opted to have the conference at the end of June which coincides with the lowest case count in 2021, so hopefully this year will follow a similar trend of decreased cases in the state.
4. We cut our normally 3 day conference down to a single day to reduce the overall contact time.
5. Conference size will be capped at 50 attendees.
6. Meals are on your own, so no group gatherings around food. Packing a lunch will reduce chances of getting covid while visiting a restaurant.
7. We ask that you please bring a mask to wear indoors, but again, most of the time will be spent outdoors and there will hopefully be only a handful of active cases in the state by then.
Also, the Ohio Odonata Society needs a new treasurer! Bob Restifo is officially retiring from his treasurer position that he has held for 2 decades. If you would like the Ohio Odonata Society to continue to exist, please consider stepping up as a new treasurer. This topic will be discussed at the society business meeting at the conference, but feel free to reach out to us beforehand if you think you would like to take up the role. We will also be recruiting a new member-at-large position, but the treasurer position is more important.
Best wishes,
President of the Ohio Odonata Society