Ohio Odonata Flight Range by Early Date

The tables linked to below provide species flight season information for Ohio dragonfly and damselfly species. Based on data in the Ohio Odonata Society database, it includes the dates of the earliest and latest recorded observations, and the span derived from those dates.

The largest part of the chart provides a chronological visualization of the period of the Odonata season when each species has been observed in Ohio. The sort is by Early date, then span, where species have the same Early date.

The season for Ohio is March through November. For display purposes the season is divided into 10 or 11 day segments by Month – basically early-month, mid-month, and late-month. The coloring shows the complete span from early to late. Where we have one or more observations in a segment, there is an asterisk.

  • Peak refers to the time in the season where most observations for the listed species occur. This is fairly subjective, especially for the rarely observed species.

  • Records is the number of records where adults are referenced. This is not the number of animals, and does not include nymph-only records.

  • The final column is the year of the most recent observation for a species.

  • Color indicates Odonata group. Forktails are green, Darners are reddish, etc.

Updated 6 January 2025