2025 Events

2025 Ohio Odonata Society
Annual Meeting

June 28 At Cedar Bog Nature Preserve
Urbana, Ohio

Cedar Bog State Nature Preserve is the largest and best calcareous bog or fen in Ohio, and it has great Odonata habitat. 59 species have been observed, and the relatively rare state-listed Elfin Skimmer and Seepage Dancer are the most frequently observed. Accessible via 1 mile boardwalk, access to sedge-meadow fens, hardwood forest swamp, two clear-water streams. The property also has a man-made pond, vernal pools, and Massasauga habitat that are not open to the public. Located in the Mad River valley, it is Ohio's oldest dedicated State Nature Preserve and a National Natural Landmark. It ranks the highest of any site in the state for its great diversity of plants.


11 November 2024