
Most Ohio Bluets belong to the genus Enallagma, with the exception of the extremely rare Taiga Bluet, which is subfamily Coenagrion. All our Bluets belong to the Coenagrionidae family. This is the most species-rich genera of Ohio Odonata with 17 species. 6 species (Double-striped, Familiar, Orange, Skimming, Stream, and Westfall’s Slender) have been recorded in every Ohio County. 1 other species (Azure) is only one County away. Several species are experiencing declining numbers (Hagen's, Marsh, Northern), while others have always been rare (Boreal, Atlantic). River Bluet is one of our newest species. Everything else is somewhere in the middle of all this

Photo ID tip for Bluets: Try to get a shot of the side and a close up side shot of the terminal appendages. Angles showing the eyespots are also helpful. Most females are challenging to ID via photo.

  • Vesper Bluets are dusk fliers. Watch for them as the sun sets.
Familiar Bluet


