Mercer County

Known species: 60
Total Observations: 1,022
Population: 40,784
Area in Square Miles: 462
People per Square Mile: 86
Observations per Square Mile: 1.8
Percent of State Species: 35%
Percent of State Observations:

County iNaturalist observations

The Observed Species table provides statistical data on all odonata species that have been observed in the county. Below that is a Target Species table listing species that have not yet been documented in this county, but are likely to exist in the county. This list is data-driven by listing species records from neighboring counties.

Mercer County Ohio

Observed Species

Common NameScientific NameMercer TotalOhio TotalMercer 2024Last Sighted
Familiar BluetEnallagma civile1266,173492024
Eastern AmberwingPerithemis tenera11410,887332024
Eastern ForktailIschnura verticalis10615,992302024
Eastern PondhawkErythemis simplicicollis6916,365152024
Common WhitetailPlathemis lydia6412,022102024
Blue DasherPachydiplax longipennis6315,601102024
Widow SkimmerLibellula luctuosa5811,931112024
Blue-fronted DancerArgia apicalis446,58432024
Fragile ForktailIschnura posita4213,19992024
Twelve-spotted SkimmerLibellula pulchella413,74042024
Common Green DarnerAnax junius335,16072024
Slender SpreadwingLestes rectangularis313,90462024
Citrine ForktailIschnura hastata2496202023
Black SaddlebagsTramea lacerata223,38052024
Blue-tipped DancerArgia tibialis174,49202022
Prince BaskettailEpitheca princeps152,78822024
Stream BluetEnallagma exsulans124,80312024
Orange BluetEnallagma signatum123,79112024
Violet DancerArgia fumipennis violacea117,55732024
Wandering GliderPantala flavescens111,52322024
Autumn MeadowhawkSympetrum vicinum108,45602023
Blue-faced MeadowhawkSympetrum ambiguum81,45232024
Halloween PennantCelithemis eponina74,18702021
Double-striped BluetEnallagma basidens65,34312024
Powdered DancerArgia moesta65,14102019
American RubyspotHetaerina americana64,44402021
Sweetflag SpreadwingLestes forcipatus551422024
Ruby MeadowhawkSympetrum rubicundulum596512024
Royal River CruiserMacromia taeniolata559812024
Great Blue SkimmerLibellula vibrans450102022
Rainbow BluetEnallagma antennatum448502023
Lance-tipped DarnerAeshna constricta336101945
Cyrano DarnerNasiaeschna pentacantha332102020
Jade ClubtailArigomphus submedianus211522024
Skimming BluetEnallagma geminatum23,83212024
Calico PennantCelithemis elisa23,19402021
Unicorn ClubtailArigomphus villosipes22,06502021
Emerald SpreadwingLestes dryas256702023
Pronghorn ClubtailPhanogomphus graslinellus250301945
White-faced MeadowhawkSympetrum obtrusum230501951
Variegated MeadowhawkSympetrum corruptum214901896
Blue-ringed DancerArgia sedula12,83712024
Turquoise BluetEnallagma divagans191812024
Ebony JewelwingCalopteryx maculata18,60602022
Slaty SkimmerLibellula incesta14,92002019
Azure BluetEnallagma aspersum12,48801933
Westfall's Slender BluetEnallagma traviatum westfalli12,36702021
Lancet ClubtailPhanogomphus exilis11,80302023
Carolina SaddlebagsTramea carolina11,26302022
Painted SkimmerLibellula semifasciata11,20801947
Shadow DarnerAeshna umbrosa11,18702019
Comet DarnerAnax longipes160502021
Tule BluetEnallagma carunculatum156901899
Spot-winged GliderPantala hymenaea156201952
Fawn DarnerBoyeria vinosa151901984
Green-striped DarnerAeshna verticalis134201945
Southern SpreadwingLestes australis128401942
Lyre-tipped SpreadwingLestes unguiculatus121001950
Northern SpreadwingLestes disjunctus12402023

Target Species

Target species are potential County Records - species not yet documented in the county. 'Local Obs' is Local Observations and indicates the number of times that the species has been observed in adjacent counties since 2000, and '# of Counties' is the number of adjacent counties in which those recent observations took place. Zero local observations or recent counties means the existing records are historical. 'Peak Active' is a relative description of when the species has been known to fly.

Common NameScientific NameOhio ObsLocal Obs# of CountiesPeak Active
Flag-tailed SpinylegDromogomphus spoliatus809843late Jul
Dusky DancerArgia translata1,681243Jul
Gilded River CruiserMacromia pacifica88322late Jul
Common BaskettailEpitheca cynosura87482late May-early Jun
Swift River CruiserMacromia illinoiensis76062Jul-Aug
Red SaddlebagsTramea onusta14642Jun-Jul
Spotted SpreadwingLestes congener86032late Aug-late Sep
Vesper BluetEnallagma vesperum92222Jun
Ashy ClubtailPhanogomphus lividus1,009191late May-early Jun
Black-shouldered SpinylegDromogomphus spinosus671191Jun-Jul
Swamp SpreadwingLestes vigilax608191Jul
Lilypad ForktailIschnura kellicotti858141Jun-Sep
Midland ClubtailGomphurus fraternus927121late May-mid Jun
DragonhunterHagenius brevistylus589111mid Jun
Dot-tailed WhitefaceLeucorrhinia intacta1,70281early Jun
Swamp DarnerEpiaeschna heros71551late May-early Jun
Macromia HybridMacromia pacifica x taeniolata10041late Jul-mid Aug
Band-winged MeadowhawkSympetrum semicinctum93131Jul-Aug
Aurora DamselChromagrion conditum57631late May-early Jun
Rapids ClubtailPhanogomphus quadricolor37731Jun
Spangled SkimmerLibellula cyanea1,19721Jun
Arrow ClubtailStylurus spiniceps32121late Aug-early Sep
Handsome ClubtailGomphurus crassus20921late May-early Jun
Great SpreadwingArchilestes grandis95911Sep
Spatterdock DarnerRhionaeschna mutata39611Jun
Springtime DarnerBasiaeschna janata37411May
Four-spotted SkimmerLibellula quadrimaculata29511Jun
Plains ClubtailGomphurus externus23600mid Jun-mid Jul
Mocha EmeraldSomatochlora linearis20200late Jun-late Aug
Plains EmeraldSomatochlora ensigera1800Jul

Positioned on Ohio’s western border with Indiana, Mercer County is in the Till Plains ecoregion. The St. Lawrence Continental Divide runs through the center of the county. The Wabash River flows west into the Mississippi watershed, and the St. Marys River flows northwest into the Maumee, making it part of the Great Lakes Basin. It was dammed early in the 19th century to support the canal system, creating the 13,500-acre Grand Lake, which is the largest inland lake in Ohio. See pp. 11-12 in Ohio Coastal Atlas: Chapter 2 for a detailed watershed map of the northern half of the county.

Places to Visit

  • Grand Lake St Marys State Park

    Grand Lake is the largest inland lake in Ohio. There are many access points around the lake, including parks and boat launches.

  • Coldwater Creek Treatment Train

    CCTT is a created wetland to filter runoff nutrients. Water is pumped from Coldwater Creek into a connected series of shallow wetlands. The wetland areas support a good Odonata population. 28 species recorded here. There is parking, no restrooms.

  • Prairie Creek Treatment Train

    PCTT is a wetland complex to filter water pumped from Prairie Creek before it enter Grand Lake. A diverse wetland that can support a variety of Odonata species. 20 species recorded here. Parking available, no restrooms.

  • Gilliland Nature Sanctuary

    GNS is a developing wildlife area. It has several wetland and vernal pool areas. 20 species have been recorded for GNS. There is a small parking lot and mowed trails. No restrooms.

County Observation Activity

This graph shows the total number of odonata observations for the county in blue, with the average for all Ohio counties in orange. The season is divided into 10 or 11 day segments by Month – basically early-month, mid-month, and late-month.

Page updated 3 January 2025