Greene County

Known species: 94
Total Observations: 7,287
Population: 163,204
Area in Square Miles: 414
People per Square Mile: 392
Observations per Square Mile: 14.5
Percent of State Species: 54%
Percent of State Observations:

County iNaturalist observations

The Observed Species table provides statistical data on all odonata species that have been observed in the county. Below that is a Target Species table listing species that have not yet been documented in this county, but are likely to exist in the county. This list is data-driven by listing species records from neighboring counties.

Greene County Ohio

Observed Species

Common NameScientific NameGreene TotalOhio TotalGreene 2024Last Sighted
Blue-tipped DancerArgia tibialis4194,492592024
Common WhitetailPlathemis lydia41512,0221012024
Fragile ForktailIschnura posita38113,199832024
Eastern PondhawkErythemis simplicicollis38016,365642024
Eastern ForktailIschnura verticalis37615,992592024
Ebony JewelwingCalopteryx maculata3598,606732024
Widow SkimmerLibellula luctuosa28811,931452024
Blue DasherPachydiplax longipennis28415,601652024
Familiar BluetEnallagma civile2506,173692024
Calico PennantCelithemis elisa2483,194312024
Double-striped BluetEnallagma basidens2335,343562024
Blue-ringed DancerArgia sedula2032,837302024
Violet DancerArgia fumipennis violacea1987,557312024
Eastern AmberwingPerithemis tenera19010,887552024
Stream BluetEnallagma exsulans1854,80382024
Blue-fronted DancerArgia apicalis1756,584432024
Common Green DarnerAnax junius1505,160482024
Autumn MeadowhawkSympetrum vicinum1388,456412024
Wandering GliderPantala flavescens1311,523222024
American RubyspotHetaerina americana1294,44492024
Eastern Red DamselAmphiagrion saucium1211,420212024
Halloween PennantCelithemis eponina1124,187122024
Black SaddlebagsTramea lacerata1113,380302024
Twelve-spotted SkimmerLibellula pulchella1013,74052024
Blue CorporalLadona deplanata99601462024
Skimming BluetEnallagma geminatum843,832242024
Flag-tailed SpinylegDromogomphus spoliatus7180962024
Slender SpreadwingLestes rectangularis713,90452024
Dusky DancerArgia translata671,681172024
Blue-faced MeadowhawkSympetrum ambiguum661,452192024
Prince BaskettailEpitheca princeps652,788182024
Citrine ForktailIschnura hastata6496292024
Band-winged MeadowhawkSympetrum semicinctum6493112024
Slaty SkimmerLibellula incesta634,920172024
Unicorn ClubtailArigomphus villosipes622,065192024
Sphagnum SpriteNehalennia gracilis5944342024
Orange BluetEnallagma signatum553,791122024
Shadow DarnerAeshna umbrosa521,18772024
Painted SkimmerLibellula semifasciata511,208112024
Spot-winged GliderPantala hymenaea4856282024
DragonhunterHagenius brevistylus39589112024
Fawn DarnerBoyeria vinosa3951902023
Ashy ClubtailPhanogomphus lividus371,00992024
Carolina SaddlebagsTramea carolina361,263142024
Powdered DancerArgia moesta365,14132024
Turquoise BluetEnallagma divagans3091832024
Pronghorn ClubtailPhanogomphus graslinellus2750342024
Ruby MeadowhawkSympetrum rubicundulum2696502007
Westfall's Slender BluetEnallagma traviatum westfalli252,36772024
Azure BluetEnallagma aspersum242,48822024
Variegated MeadowhawkSympetrum corruptum2414922024
Great Blue SkimmerLibellula vibrans2150132024
Swamp DarnerEpiaeschna heros1971512024
Black-shouldered SpinylegDromogomphus spinosus1867132024
Paiute DancerArgia alberta1836902023
Arrow ClubtailStylurus spiniceps1732112024
Vesper BluetEnallagma vesperum1792202023
Comet DarnerAnax longipes1660592024
Great SpreadwingArchilestes grandis1495912024
Red SaddlebagsTramea onusta1214612024
Spotted SpreadwingLestes congener1286002022
Spangled SkimmerLibellula cyanea111,19702023
Brown SpiketailZoraena bilineata1124002022
Clamp-tipped EmeraldSomatochlora tenebrosa1121702020
Gray PetaltailTachopteryx thoreyi1044632024
Swift SetwingDythemis velox1044722024
Springtime DarnerBasiaeschna janata937432024
Southern SpreadwingLestes australis928432024
Swamp SpreadwingLestes vigilax960802021
Emerald SpreadwingLestes dryas856732024
Seepage DancerArgia bipunctulata71,23012024
Swift River CruiserMacromia illinoiensis776002023
Midland ClubtailGomphurus fraternus692722024
Sweetflag SpreadwingLestes forcipatus651412024
Four-spotted SkimmerLibellula quadrimaculata629502023
Cyrano DarnerNasiaeschna pentacantha532122024
Common BaskettailEpitheca cynosura587412024
Lancet ClubtailPhanogomphus exilis51,80302022
Banded PennantCelithemis fasciata486002020
Russet-tipped ClubtailStylurus plagiatus439002023
Rainbow BluetEnallagma antennatum348501934
Tule BluetEnallagma carunculatum256902022
Lyre-tipped SpreadwingLestes unguiculatus221001997
Mocha EmeraldSomatochlora linearis220202020
Dot-tailed WhitefaceLeucorrhinia intacta11,70202018
Aurora DamselChromagrion conditum157601936
Rapids ClubtailPhanogomphus quadricolor137702009
Lance-tipped DarnerAeshna constricta136101997
White-faced MeadowhawkSympetrum obtrusum130501956
Eastern RingtailErpetogomphus designatus117702023
Stream CruiserDidymops transversa114002019
Gilded River CruiserMacromia pacifica18802015
Riverine ClubtailStylurus amnicola11502017
Taiga BluetCoenagrion resolutum1401993

Target Species

Target species are potential County Records - species not yet documented in the county. 'Local Obs' is Local Observations and indicates the number of times that the species has been observed in adjacent counties since 2000, and '# of Counties' is the number of adjacent counties in which those recent observations took place. Zero local observations or recent counties means the existing records are historical. 'Peak Active' is a relative description of when the species has been known to fly.

Common NameScientific NameOhio ObsLocal Obs# of CountiesPeak Active
Royal River CruiserMacromia taeniolata598266late Jul-Aug
Amber-winged SpreadwingLestes eurinus706293Jun-Jul
Sedge SpriteNehalennia irene39673Jun
Cobra ClubtailGomphurus vastus4711122Jun
Handsome ClubtailGomphurus crassus209362late May-early Jun
Arrowhead SpiketailZoraena obliqua189172late May-early Jun
Spatterdock DarnerRhionaeschna mutata396152Jun
Rusty SnaketailOphiogomphus rupinsulensis34872Jun
Macromia HybridMacromia pacifica x taeniolata10062late Jul-mid Aug
Golden-winged SkimmerLibellula auripennis4552late Jun
Slender BaskettailEpitheca costalis2442late May
Lilypad ForktailIschnura kellicotti85831Jun-Sep
Plains ClubtailGomphurus externus23621mid Jun-mid Jul
Elegant SpreadwingLestes inaequalis58011Jun
Jade ClubtailArigomphus submedianus11511late Jun-late Aug
Twin-spotted SpiketailZoraena maculata9500late May-mid Jun
Uhler's SundragonHelocordulia uhleri6300May
Skillet ClubtailGomphurus ventricosus2600Jun
Wabash River CruiserMacromia wabashensis2500Aug

Greene County is in the Till Plains ecoregion. Located within the Great Miami River watershed, the Little Miami River cuts across the county diagonally from the NE to the SW. A short segment of the Mad River crosses the NW corner.

Places to Visit

  • Spring Lakes Park – This site has three large fishing ponds. There is adequate parking and restrooms. Even though these ponds are stocked with fish, the odanata diversity is quite good. The ponds are spring-fed and surrounded by mature woods, a nearby creek, and a small meadow. iNaturalist shows 45 species of odonata reported from this location. There are good populations of Pronghorn Clubtails in late spring and Flag-tailed Spinylegs in summer and early fall. Other species of note include Springtime Darners, Dragonhunters, Ashy Clubtails, Slaty Skimmers, Dusky Dancers, Vesper Bluets, and Swamp Spreadwings. A few Swift Setwings have been documented here, but their presence is sporadic.  

  • Siebenthaler Fen – There is small gravel parking lot. No restrooms. A one-mile boardwalk trail makes this site very accessible and easy to hike. Swamp Darners, Sphagnum Sprites, and Eastern Red Damsels can be found here in early summer. Shadow Darners and Band-winged Meadowhawks are common in late summer and fall. Other species that have been documented at this site include Great Blue Skimmers, Cyrano Darners, Clamp-tipped Emeralds, Mocha Emeralds, and Fawn Darners, but those require more searching to find.

  • Oakes Quarry Park – This site has a large gravel parking lot and portable toilets. A gravel drive leads from the northwest corner of the parking lot to the quarry floor. This site has several large, shallow ponds and wetlands. The habitat is attractive to migratory dragonflies, such as saddlebags and gliders. Several uncommon species have been documented here over recent years, including Four-spotted Skimmers, Variegated Meadowhawks, Red Saddlebags, Painted Skimmers, and Paiute Dancers. Calico and Halloween Pennants are abundant, and Citrine Forktails can be common in favorable years. There is also a good population of Blue Corporals in April and May.

County Observation Activity

This graph shows the total number of odonata observations for the county in blue, with the average for all Ohio counties in orange. The season is divided into 10 or 11 day segments by Month – basically early-month, mid-month, and late-month.

Page updated 2 January 2025